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Local Configuration

Preset CLI provides a local configuration management function, which is convenient for you to manage commonly used private configurations.

Manage local configuration

Local configuration management can be done through the config (alias c) command, which needs to be used in conjunction with subcommands.

Prep work

Create a JSON file on your computer's hard drive and write the contents of the file in the following format:

For example: F:\config\local-preset.json

    "tech": "vue",
    "name": "vue3-ts-vite",
    "desc": "A template for Vue 3.0 with TypeScript, base on Vite.",
    "repo": ""

In this way, a local configuration file is complete.

Set configuration file

You can set the configuration file through the subcommand set of config. After setting, when Preset CLI reads the configuration, it will also read your local configuration.

preset config set <filePath>

For example, using our previous example:

preset config set F:\config\local-preset.json


If your file path has spaces, use " double quotes around the path.

Query configuration status

The currently set configuration file path can be queried through the get subcommand of config.

preset config get

This command is very useful if you forget where the configuration file is saved!

Remove configuration settings

If you want to cancel the settings of the local configuration, you can cancel the settings with the remove subcommand of config.

preset config remove

Manage local technology stacks

The config command also provides an option --tech (abbreviated -t), which is used to manage the local technology stack. When you add the --tech option, it will enter the technology stack management mode ( instead of template configuration).


The operation commands of the local configuration and the local technology stack are the same, the only difference is that the technology stack needs to be added with the --tech option.

For example, if you want to set your local tech stack list, just add the --tech option:

preset config set F:\config\local-tech.json --tech

The template format of the local technology stack is:

    "name": "vue",
    "color": "#42b983"

Please refer to the section Add technology stack for the description of JSON fields.

Released under the MIT License.