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Getting Started

We provide two ways to use this CLI.


Since v0.6.0, the documentation will explain the operation instructions in the form of global installation by default. Of course, you can still quickly experience it through the package manager commands.

Simply Usage

You can also simply experience it through the command of the package manager, and directly create the template you need by create preset.

npm create preset

Then follow the prompts!

This usage allows you to use the latest version of the Preset CLI every time.


It is recommended to install globally for easier usage, Please install it globally first:

npm install -g create-preset


If you encounter an error of node:internal/readline/emitKeypressEvents:71 when installing globally, please refer to the solution of #29 .

You can use the following command to check whether the installation was successful. If successful, you will get a version number.

# View the version number of the global installation
preset -v

Then you can create a project by "Select Technology Stack -> Select Template":

# It will start "Select Technology Stack -> Select Template"
preset init

You can also directly specify a template to create a project (requires v0.12.0 above):

# A project called `hello-vue` will be created using the `vue3-ts-vite` template
preset init hello-vue --template vue3-ts-vite

You can refer to CLI Upgrade to learn how to upgrade in the future.

Released under the MIT License.