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Technology Stack

When creating a project, there will be a step to select the technology stack, You can easily find the template you need by classifying the technology stack.

The classification of the technology stack is based on core technologies, not related technologies. For example, a project using Vite + TypeScript + Vue 3.0, for the project, the core is Vue 3.0, so it will be classified under the vue category.

preset init

 Get the latest config successfully.

 Project name: ... my-preset-app
? Select a tech stack: » - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
>   electron

Show and hide

Since v0.10.0, If a technology stack is added, but no corresponding template can be matched, it will be temporarily hidden and will not be displayed in the list of selectable technology stacks until it has a corresponding template associated with it.

Add technology stack

At present, the technology stack needs to be maintained through the tech.json file on the official website.

If you need to add the missing stack, please add it to the file array in the following format.

  "name": "vue",
  "color": "#42b983"

JSON field description:

namestringThe name of the technology stack, please use the official recommended daily name
colorColor HexIn order to have enough recognition and relevance, please take the color from the LOGO of the technology stack

Please submit a PR, the technology stack will be added to the list after the merge.

Manage local technology stacks

See: Manage local technology stacks in your local configuration .

Released under the MIT License.